


奇才表演bbin信誉网站是一家全方位的舞蹈和艺术机构,致力于高质量的舞蹈教育,在我们的课程中保持严谨和享受的健康平衡. 我们为所有课程提供了一个集中的教学大纲,以促进整个公司培训的一致性,以促进学生的稳定成长和进步. At PPAC, we welcome dancers from all walks of life. 我们提供所有的班级水平,以适应认真的舞者和娱乐舞者. Diversity is important to us! Students are encouraged to celebrate everything that makes them unique. 我们坚信要营造一个没有学生或家庭因种族而感到边缘化的环境, 宗教, 性别认同, 取向, 物理属性, 高度, 重量, 等. 无论哪个学生, we are dedicated to providing a nurturing and safe environment for beautiful, young artists to grow and develop artistically.




Technique, Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Acro/Tumbling, Preschool Dance

凯莎·斯图尔特是一名专业舞蹈教练,已有25年的经验. 她曾在詹姆斯休伯特布莱克高中美术学院接受专业舞蹈培训,主修舞蹈编舞. She began working as a student choreographer under the mentorship of the Dance Director, 唐娜•里斯, developing her unique sense of style based on her Afro-Indian and Caribbean heritage. At Blake HS, Keisha was a member of her Poms Squad, Step 舞蹈团队, and Modeling Club. 凯莎在哈莱姆区哥伦比亚特区舞蹈剧院接受了两年芭蕾舞和足尖舞的专业训练, 多年来通过各种舞蹈教师培训项目和会议学习舞蹈. She was also a coach and choreographer for a Maryland All-Star Cheer & 舞蹈团队.

Keisha以优异的成绩毕业于Everglades大学,获得了解剖学和手工疗法的替代医学学士学位. 她作为物理治疗助理的训练和多年的工作使她能够安全地教授年轻舞者对解剖学的理解, 生理学, and how growth and development affect dancers. Keisha is also trained and is a certified Instructor in Acrobatic Arts.

凯莎是我们屡获殊荣的比赛舞蹈队“合并舞蹈团”的创意总监. With her innovative choreographic style, Keisha’s work has been recognized for numerous judge’s awards, 编排奖, and Top Studio Recognition awards. Keisha专注于创作符合舞者实力的作品,而不管他们的竞技水平如何. Her ability to make dancers shine in their strengths is what attracts students to her. Keisha is a strong advocate for diversity in dance and in the competition world. 在她的工作室里, she has promoted self-love, 身体的积极性, and cultural diversity in music and dance.

Keisha还拥有并经营着我们在弗吉尼亚州Henrico的姐妹工作室Barre None Dance Company. In addition to her dance experience, Keisha is a licensed Cosmetologist in the State of Maryland, has done professional runway modeling, 还有选美比赛. 凯莎现在是两个女婴的母亲,她迫不及待地想让她们加入舞蹈世界!




Tap, Jazz, Acro/Tumbling, Preschool Dance, Musical Theatre, Ballet

Nikki began her dance journey at the young age of 2. Throughout her entire childhood and teen years, she danced a variety of 爵士乐, 芭蕾舞, 抒情, 当代, 利用, 嘻哈, 和kickline. She also explored floor tumbling for 3 years recreationally & cheer club at her high school.

While continuing the dance instruction at her local studio, she was also a devoted member of her high school 舞蹈团队 for 3+ years. She performed at school football & basketball games and various other events. Performing was her passion, and dance quickly became a 7 day-a-week priority! The team primarily focused on the 爵士乐, kickline & 嘻哈风格的舞蹈. Her team attended competitions & workshops all around the New England area and NYC as well. She even got to meet some Radio City Rockettes. 

这是Nikki在Prodigy表演bbin信誉网站/Barre None舞蹈公司的第四年教学. Prior to teaching at the studio, she attended adult classes and even performed in the Spring Concerts!

You can find Nikki in the studio teaching a variety of classes, working with our 精英团队, and giving private lessons. She travels with our 精英团队 to competitions around Virginia and surrounding states. In addition to this, she is a part of our marketing and administrative team... she is also the studio 'picture taker'!

Nikki strives to provide the best dance education she can give. She is always brushing up on the newest dance skills, techniques, and more. 尼基在许多工作室学习了杂技艺术,如手弹簧,空中,等等! She has studied with them for multiple certification courses, as well. 她是一级 & II certified in Acro/Tumbling!



Hip Hop, Jazz, Contemporary

Brianna's passion for dance and performing started at the age of 8. 在过去的15年里, she has been trained in genres such as 芭蕾舞, 嘻哈, 利用, 抒情, 爵士乐, 霍顿当代, 和舞厅. Throughout her high school years, 她继续着对舞蹈的热爱,并担任了摩纳哥高中舞蹈队的队长和编舞.

Brianna graduated Cum Laude from 北卡罗莱纳 A&T State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science. She continues to work as a political organizer and strategist, but her love of dance could not be stopped, and she takes pride in teaching kids to love dance above all else. 在学校的时候, 她是两个舞蹈表演团体的制作总监,扩大了她的编舞技能。2019年底,她创建并实施了一个平台,旨在让社会经济背景较低的学生有机会参与名为“少舞之路”的创意艺术," which debuted in Greensboro, 北卡罗莱纳.

布里安娜继续在弗吉尼亚和北卡罗来纳地区的众多工作室传播她对舞蹈的热爱, co-directing her own competitive dance team in northern NC; her talents being awarded several entertainment awards, special judges recognition, 还有编舞奖. This year she is celebrating 4 years of teaching, specializing in dance technique and 芭蕾舞 fundamentals. Brianna is excited for another season at PPAC!




Tap, Jazz, Contemporary

艾莉森在她会走路的时候就开始跳舞了,这让她的母亲在她5岁的时候把她安排在踢踏舞和芭蕾舞的结合课程上. 在她的第一次独奏会后,她被迷住了,并继续在她的家乡弗吉尼亚州的森林跳舞. 10岁时,她加入了工作室的比赛团队,这进一步培养了她对舞蹈和表演的热爱. 参加会议和师从大师总是让她受到启发和感激,能够在舞蹈艺术中成长. 她受过踢踏舞训练, 爵士乐, 芭蕾舞, 黑, 当代, 堵塞, 嘻哈, 街爵士乐, 高跟鞋, 还有音乐剧. Allison is currently a member of the RVA 利用 troupe, 一群成年踢踏舞者致力于踢踏舞的延续,总部设在弗吉尼亚州的里士满. 她现在也是弗吉尼亚联邦大学的一名学生,攻读公共关系学位. In her free time she loves to travel, write, and take 嘻哈 classes. Allison is so excited for her first year teaching at Prodigy Performing Arts. 她喜欢与各个年龄段的舞者分享舞蹈艺术和表演精神. 她感到非常幸运,有老师分享对舞蹈的热爱以及他们的技术知识,并致力于为她的学生做同样的事情. 

Mariella De Fazio Rio



Preschool Dance, Acro/Tumbling, Ballet

玛丽5岁时开始在亚利桑那州坦佩的玛丽莲·博斯蒂克芭蕾舞中心跳舞. 从她开始跳舞的那一刻起,她就找到了一种与舞蹈的联系,从那以后她就再也无法停止跳舞. She found her love for 芭蕾舞, 利用, 爵士乐, and 当代 there. 13岁时,她搬到了弗吉尼亚州,在那里她需要一个新的工作室,她成立了Barre None舞蹈团. BNDC为她介绍了一些出色的舞者和导师,增强了她对舞蹈的热爱. Adding 嘻哈, acro, and 黑 to the styles she does. 从14岁到18岁,她是Barre None和Merge Dance Collective的竞争舞者,并成为舞蹈老师的助理,这使她对教学的热情增长. She is now a dance major in the VCUarts program. She has aspirations to continue teaching and choreograph in the future! Mari is excited to add sister studio, 神童, to her teaching schedule and looks forward to growing with her students!



Technique, Jazz, Contemporary

林赛·布兰德 grew up in Gainesville, VA and started her dance career in 2009 at Gainesville Dance Studio, where she trained in 芭蕾舞, 利用, 爵士乐, 抒情, 当代, 嘻哈, 和酸盐. While attending the studio, she also began her love for teaching as an assistant, working with the younger dancers in preparation for the annual recital. 林赛还是高中舞蹈队的队长,并编排了获奖的舞蹈. 在舞蹈的旁边, she has been an assistant coach for the Piedmont Tsunamis Swim Team, a team within the Prince William County Swim League, 她在哪里学会了与各个年龄段的孩子一起工作,发展他们的技能,培养一个有趣和支持性的环境.  她目前就读于弗吉尼亚联邦大学,主修平面设计,辅修商业和舞蹈. 林赛很高兴能成为这个团队的一员,并与下一代表演者分享她对舞蹈的热爱.